Eastfield's Linedancers
Välkommen till Linedanceklubben i Österåker
Kursdagbok VT-25
Videofilmer på utlärda danser finns på
I sökrutan skriver du in dansens namn följt av orden "linedance".
Bergasalen, Folkets Hus
Nivå 1 Annika och Gunilla Tisdagar kl 19.45-21.15 start 21/1
Vecka | Repeterade och utlärda danser |
3 | Introduktion: Shine, Go Cat Go, Won´t You Dance With Me, First Waltz, Some Kind Of Wonderful |
4 | Ny: Stand By Me Rep: Go Cat Go, Won´t You Dance With Me, First Waltz, Some Kind Of Wonderful, Shine |
5 | Ny: Cut A Rug Rep: Won´t You Dance With Me, Go Cat Go, Stand By Me,Some Kind Of Wonderful,First Waltz, Shine |
6 | Ny: The Last Shanty Rep:Stand By Me,Cut A Rug,Shine,First Waltz,Wont You Dance With Me,Some Kind Of Wonderful,Go Cat Go |
7 | Ny:Mellow Moonlight Rep: Cut A Rug, Stand By Me, The Last Shanty, Some Kind Of Wonderful,First Waltz,Go Cat Go,Shine |
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Bergasalen, Folkets Hus
Nivå 1-2 Monica&SonjaTorsdagar kl 19.45-21.15 start 23/1
Vecka | Repeterade och utlärda danser |
4 | Ny: The Angel By My Side Rep: Mamma Mia, Why Me?, Dancing Queen, Homecoming, Made in Mexico, The Last Shanty, Bosa Nova, Stand By Me. |
5 | Ny: Such A Fool Rep: Some Kind Of Wonderful, Made In Mexico, Watermelon Moonshine, Dolly Would, The Angel By My Side, Mamma Mia, Why Me?, Dancing Queen |
6 | Repetition: Watermelon Moonshine, Un Poquito, Such A Fool, Dolly Would, The Angel By My Side, Homecoming, Heart Of An Angel, Made in Mexico, Dancing Queen |
7 | Ny: Stitch it Up Rep: |
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Bergasalen, Folkets Hus
Nivå 2-3 (Tove) med Monica&Sonja Torsdagar 18.15-19.45 Start 23/1
Vecka | Repeterade och utlärda danser |
4 | Ny: Mr Showman Rep: HOLD Me Now, Do It All Again, Southern Gospel, Un Poquito, Bosa Nova, Stich It Up |
5 | Ny: Sunset Memories Rep: Mr Showman,Hold Me Now,Do It All Again,Southern Gospel,Stich It Up,Until The Dawn |
6 | Ny: Country Side Rep: HOLD Me Now, Do It All Again, Southern Gospel,MrShowman,SunsetMemories,I Close My Eyes |
7 | Ny: Volare Rep: |
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Bergasalen, Folkets Hus
Nivå 3-4 Urban Tisdagar 18.15-19.45 Start 21/1
Vecka | Repeterade och utlärda danser |
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5 | Nya: Table For Two, Running In a Rainstorm Rep: Rock N Roll Diva, Southern Gospel, Liquor Talkin, Marakaibo, Troubled Waters |
6 | Nya: Sunset Memories,Rolling Blues Rep:Table For Two,Running In a Rainstorm,Marakaibo,Troubled Waters,,Can´t Catch Me |
7 | Ny: Here and Now Rep: Rock N Roll Diva, Southern Gospel, Liquor Talking, Table For Two, Running In a Rainstorm, Sunset Memories,Rolling Blues, Troubled Waters |
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Ljusterö Bygdegård
Repetition av veckans danser (våra instruktörer) Söndagar 16.00-18.45 Start 19/1
Vecka | Repeterade danser |
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4 | The Angel By My Side,Mr Showman,Diva,Southern Gospel,Liquor Talking,Troubled Waters |
5 | Running In a Rainstorm,Table For Two |
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